CHIP ONLY provides service dogs to those living within 45 minutes from Canton, Ohio
CHIP provides Psychiatric Service Dogs ONLY to Veterans.
One of CHIP’s goals is to properly educate school children about service dogs. To assist teachers with the necessary tools to facilitate and identify both visible and non-visible capabilities and disabilities of children within the classroom and the community, CHIP has developed an innovative Educational Activity Book About Service Dogs and how they help people with disabilities. Educational programs are provided to area school age children about service dogs. The service dog and its trainer will demonstrate certain skills such as: finding a hidden cordless phone, picking up different dropped items, turning a light on and off, pulling off a coat or sweater off of the trainer, searching for a bag of medical supplies, showing how a dog helps a person up from a fall; among other skills.
By incorporating awareness and tolerance of all kinds of disabilities into the curriculum, children will learn to value their own needs and abilities as well as those of others, while at the same time learn about service dogs and the various jobs they perform. By having an on-site demonstration, children have the ability to ask questions. By answering specific questions at a young age, when the children grow into adults they will value the abilities and needs of a disabled person, which will prepare them for greater career opportunities.
In addition, awareness programs are provided to hospitals, civic groups, businesses and governmental agencies. These programs are geared toward answering questions about the rights and responsibilities of a service dog and its partner while at the same time encouraging them to invest in a person with a disability by hiring them for a job or mentoring them through the transitioning into the work place.